English for Transition Pathways (CALD) Program was a pilot program delivered in 2022 that arose from the needs of CALD youth aged 17-24 years in the northern suburbs of Geelong who could not successfully engage in and complete a mainstream senior secondary school certificate due to their low English language skills.
Delivered in collaboration with Northern Bay College and The Gordon and supported by CatholicCare Victoria, the project was designed to develop learners' English language skills and open their world beyond their immediate neighbourhood. The students learned about finding job opportunities and TAFE pathways so that by the end of the course, they could make informed decisions about further study or job-seeking. In 2022 Skilling the Bay supported 12 students to develop their English language skills and expanded their connection to the wider Geelong community.
Skilling the Bay’s ability to connect people, organisations and resources, and deliver evidenced-based programs is pivotal to its role as an organising force for change in the Barwon region. Skilling the Bay recognises the importance for people of all ages to see a pathway for themselves into new and emerging jobs and careers as the economy and nature of work change.