Skilling the Bay programs are focused on providing students with real hands-on exposure to vocational careers, with particular focus on industries identified in the Regional Skills Plan as important to future growth in the Barwon region. Each program is delivered in partnership with local stakeholders and industry partners.
Skilling theBay’s ability to connect people, organisations and resources, and deliver evidenced-based programs, for example The Geelong Education and Workforce Profile Report, is pivotal to its role as an organising force for change in the Barwon region. Skilling the Bay recognises the importance for people of all ages to see a pathway for themselves into new and emerging jobs and careers as the economy and nature of work change.
The infographic below depicts the links between Skilling the Bay programs and target cohorts as they progress through mid to senior secondary schooling and further study or employment. It illustrates how the Skilling the Bay programs are designed to support students in going from awareness to aspiration to action.
Participate in Career Previews from a selection of 26 pathways.
Participate in Industry Immersion experiences in key regional industries.
Get a head start through hands-on experience and gain competencies in your chosen industry.
Continue with Vocational study in your career of choice through an apprenticeship, certificate or a diploma.
Skilling the Bay programs are funded by the Department of Education and are delivered free of charge to students and schools. Funding for transport is also provided where required.
For more information on eligibility for programs, contact skillingthebay@gordontafe.edu.au