VET fee information


As part of studying with us at The Gordon for your VCE, you have the opportunity to undertake Vocational Training, otherwise known as VET. These usually run over two years and give you the perfect start to a trade or a career path to the workforce or onto further study at TAFE or University.
Listed below are some of the courses you can complete at The Gordon. If there is a VET course that you would like to undertake that is not there, feel free to chat with us to see if we can accommodate your choice.

Fees for your VET course

As a Gordon VCE student, there are fees associated with undertaking a VET program. These are outlined in the course information below under Fees. In most instances, the fees will be concession (depending on eligibility) and will include the education levy and other associated fees.

How to enrol in your Vet course

  1. Once you have chosen your desired VET course, click on the link below to apply
  2. It is important that you apply for the intake that says “Intake Only for Gordon VCE Student

Some courses may show a shorter duration than the two years for the VET program. This is because non-secondary school students can undertake these pre-apprenticeships, (they run in a different class to VETDSS).

Courses on offer