Recognition of Prior Learning & Credit Transfers


Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL)

What is Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL)?

Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) formally recognises a person’s existing skills and knowledge towards the achievement of a nationally recognised qualification or Statement of Attainment.

Skills may have been gained through:

  • work experience
  • formal training and education (you may be eligible for a Credit Transfer)
  • informal training and education
  • general life experience
  • voluntary work

How much does RPL cost?

Fees for RPL will be charged by course unit/module based on the amount per scheduled hour.

Students who meet the eligibility criteria will pay fees according to the standard and concession hourly rates set each year.  Students who do not meet the eligibility criteria will pay a fee for service rate per hour. This rate is set per course.

An upfront payment fee will be charged of $250 to commence the RPL process. Further fees for RPL will be charged by course unit/module based on the amount per scheduled hour.

What does RPL mean for my studies?

Each qualification is made up of units of study. To gain RPL, you will need to demonstrate that you have the required skills and knowledge to meet the competencies of the unit.

RPL uses a straightforward yet robust assessment process meaning:

  • your existing skills and knowledge can be counted toward your qualification
  • you only need to do units/modules which are new and challenging
  • your course costs may be reduced
  • you can use your time effectively
  • you may finish your course sooner

If you are applying the necessary skills and knowledge in your current (or recent) job, then don’t underestimate your skills – consider getting them recognised!

Credit Transfer (CT)

What is a Credit Transfer (CT)?

A Credit Transfer (CT) is successful completion of units/modules completed at a training organisation that is nationally recognised which may entitle you to a credit in an equivalent TAFE unit or module.

The student must provide evidence that the unit/module was successfully completed.

How much does a CT cost?

If students request credit transfers for 50% or more of the course, a $250 administration fee will be charged, unless the credits are from previous studies at The Gordon where no fee will be applied.

Important information for International students

Attendance requirements apply for a Student Visa.  

International students are required to meet a minimum of 20 scheduled contact hours per week despite approved Recognition of Prior Learning or Credit Transfer.


Enquire about skills recognition before enrolment or during your studies.

  • Domestic students please contact your teacher or Customer Service.
  • International students please email the International team.