The Gordon is committed to helping First Peoples students achieve their full potential in education, training and employment.
For more information, please contact a Koorie Support Officer (Kaleb or Kiralee) or reach out directly to one of the wellbeing support services at The Gordon.
Kaleb Owen
Phone: 0478268291 Email: kowen@gordontafe.edu.au
Kiralee Hogema
Phone: 0422442727 Email: khogema@gordontafe.edu.au
Kitjarra wurrun-ngeen is a welcoming, safe space for all First Peoples students and community. You are welcome to drop in for a yarn, and use the kitchen and study facilities.
The First Peoples Education team are located at the Kitjarra Centre at both Geelong campuses.
Each year, the team at the Kitjarra Centre work alongside students to be actively involved in the design and delivery of activations for significant dates including National Reconciliation Week (NRW) and NAIDOC Week.
Where possible, work that has been created as part of these events is displayed throughout the year. This includes the collaborative ‘hands’ artwork that was created during a student-led event for National Reconciliation Week which is displayed at the City Campus Library.
Wathaurong Co-operative: Family, community and health services and supports
Phone: 5277 0044
Email: admin@wathaurong.org.au
Wadawurrung Traditional Owners Corporation
Phone: 4308 0420
Email: admin@wadawurrung.org.au
13YARN: 24/7 crisis support
Phone: 13 92 76
Email: enquiries@13yarn.org.au
Link up Victoria: Supporting the Stolen Generations and their families
Phone: 1800 687 662
Email: linkup@vacca.org
Victorian Aboriginal Legal Service: Support in Criminal Law, Family Law and Civil Law
Phone: 1800 064 865
Email: vals@vals.org.au
Djirra: Legal and non-legal support to Aboriginal people who are experiencing family violence.
Phone: 1800 105 303
Email: info@djirra.org.au
Aboriginal Housing Victoria
Phone: 9403 2100
Email: clientservices@ahvic.org.au
Narana Aboriginal Cultural Centre
Phone: 5241 5700
Email: reception@narana.com.au
Kinaway Chamber of Commerce
Phone: 9416 2304
Email: info@kinaway.com.au
Victorian Aboriginal Child Care Agency
Phone: 9742 8300
Killara Geelong Indigenous Women's Hub, 83A Purnell, Bacchus Marsh Rd, Corio 3214
Phone: 0499 286 221
The Gordon Scholarships and Financial Assistance: 5225 0639
Mob Strong Debt Help: 1800 808 488
Abstudy: 1800 132 317
Better Place Australia (financial counselling): 9556 5333 or 1800 639 523
VACCA emergency relief: 9742 8300
Wathaurong Co operative: 5277 0044
At The Gordon our vision is for a community where First Peoples participate equally and equitably in all aspects of life. We have clear actions within our Reconciliation Action Plan to help support this. Find out more about The Gordon's Reconciliation Action Plan.
In addition to all other courses offered at The Gordon, there are a number of initiatives designed specifically to upskill First Peoples students at The Gordon and across the community: