Supported Learning - VETDSS


Do you have a young person aged 15 or over with special learning needs or learning difficulties? These unique programs are designed to help young people successfully navigate the transition from school to further education, training, or employment. They offer students the opportunity to meet and interact with new people, build confidence and further their language and communication skills. The programs provide a supportive and inclusive environment where young people can build their confidence and self-esteem.

Supported Learning Programs at The Gordon give students the extra support to transition into tertiary studies and the workforce. 


  • Pre-apprenticeships
  • Traineeships
  • Open or supported employment
  • Voluntary work/community activities

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22567VIC VETDSS - Certificate I in Transition Education

At the completion of this course students will gain a partial qualification only. If you have learning difficulties apply for our Cert I in Transition Education.

AUR20720 VETDSS - Certificate II in Automotive Vocational Preparation (Mechanical)

Study our Certificate in Automotive Vocational Preparation Mechanical pre-apprenticeship to learn broad automotive knowledge & skills while at secondary school.

FBP10221 VETDSS - Certificate I in Baking

Warringa Park Special School students can study this qualification to gain a range of basic skills and knowledge used in the bakery industry.
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