Frequently asked questions


Is VETDSS an extra program on top of my VCE or VCE-VM studies?

No. Your VETDSS program is part of your VCE and will be one of your elective choices.

How will I be assessed for my VETDSS studies?

Your teachers will use a range of assessment tasks to ensure you have achieved competency, e.g. hands-on projects, written assignments, skills demonstration, and practical assessments. If you opt for a program that offers Scored Assessment, such as Hospitality, you will be assessed like any other Unit 3 - 4 VCE subject, including an end of year exam set by VCAA. 

What if I change my mind about this career path and drop out?

You will receive a Statement of Attainment for your completed modules/units, many of which are relevant to a range of other courses.

How will I fit structured workplace learning into my schedule?

Most work placements occur in term holidays. Special arrangements may be possible during term time e.g. one day a week. Please speak with your school VET Coordinator.

Will my part-time job count for structured workplace learning?

It can, but it needs to relate specifically to the required competencies of your program. Talk to your VET Coordinator for advice.

When do I have to make a decision about doing a VETDSS program?

Online applications usually open early August for the following year and we encourage you to submit your application as soon as possible. During your subject selection process at school, speak to your VET and Careers/Pathways Coordinator. 

Does a VETDSS program help me if I want to go on to further study?

Yes, more than half of students go on to TAFE and/or university. The subjects you do in your VETDSS program may give you credits and guaranteed pathways into other courses at The Gordon.

Do I have to select compatible VCE subjects that relate to my VET program?

Not necessarily, but you should consult your VET Coordinator at your secondary college for recommendations.

How do I decide if I should do a VETDSS program?

  • Speak with your VET Coordinator and careers teacher at school.
  • Talk to family or friends who work in the field you are considering.
  • Participate in a taster program.

My VETDSS course outcome says ‘partial completion,’ what does this mean?

Partial completion means you will receive a Statement of Attainment for the units completed. If you wish to obtain the award for the full qualification you will need to complete the remaining units at a later date. 

My course is partial completion, can I enrol in the remaining unit to achieve the full qualification?

In some cases, yes - The Gordon offers guaranteed places for some partial completion programs that allow you to enrol in the remaining units to have the opportunity to attain the full qualification. 

Are there eligibility requirements for guaranteed places in pathway courses?

Yes. You must have successfully completed your VETDSS program through The Gordon and standard enrolment conditions apply.  

How do I express my interest in a guaranteed place in the pathway course?

You will need to complete an application through The Gordon’s main website for the pathway course (including partial completion where you are applying for the same qualification) and include that you have successfully completed your VETDSS program in your course application.  

My course is partial completion, can I apply for a higher-level course without completing the full qualification?

In some cases, yes. You should check the specific entry requirements for the course want to apply for.  

If you would like to study a VETDSS program, please see your VET Coordinator and complete the application process.