How to start a SBAT


To commence a School Based Apprenticeships and Traineeship you’ll need to follow these steps:

  1. Find a course and career path you’re interested in.

  2. Speak to your teacher, VET coordinator or careers counsellor to see if your school can support an SBAT through The Gordon.

  3. Find an employer who will agree to take you on as a school-based apprentice or trainee.

  4. Ask your employer to contact an Australian Apprenticeship Support Network (AASN), who will arrange a Training Contract and nominate The Gordon as your place of learning.

  5. When this is approved, your SBAT commences.

  6. Don’t forget, school attendance is still required so you need to be organised and go to work (one timetabled day a week of employment and/or structured VET training), as well as school as per your timetable.

  7. Fulfil your work, training and study requirements and receive a nationally recognised qualification.