
CHC52021 Diploma of Community Services

Next intake

To be advised


Geelong City Campus


Full-time: 15 months
Part-time: 21 months

Course description

Support your community and people experiencing hardship as you develop the knowledge needed for a rewarding career in the diverse community services industry.
The Diploma of Community Services course will build your leadership capabilities and give you the specialised skills you need to work in the community services sector, supporting the wellbeing of individuals, families and communities and helping to facilitate social change.

You’ll be qualified to manage a range of responsibilities while supporting people who are disadvantaged and vulnerable. If you're driven to empower diverse communities, passionate about social justice and want to challenge the social structures that maintain disadvantage, then this qualification can help you achieve your goals.
Community Services workers empower and support disadvantaged and vulnerable people to achieve their goals. They provide housing, mental health, disability, multicultural, financial, youth, domestic and family violence support. Your experience and career goals will help determine your pathway.

Wondering if this industry will suit you?

We have created a very short course quiz to help you gain a little more understanding of what is required and whether you might enjoy a role in this industry. Take the quiz here.

Work placement/industry experience

Full Time Course Delivery: 210 hours of mandatory full-time work placement over a 6-8-week period is required in this course, organised by The Gordon and students are to be available 5 days a week. Note you may be required to travel outside your usual training location to attend placement, which may include other regional areas or suburbs of Melbourne. Placement is undertaken when all the theory components of the course are successfully completed, Prior to Work Placement, students must successfully complete the necessary theory units of the course and demonstrate readiness to work in the Community (i.e. communication, interpersonal skills, and professional behaviours). Part-Time Blended Course Delivery: Is designed for those who are working within the community services sector. The 210 hours of mandatory workplace activities will be undertaken within your community services organisation. Note: Your organisation, employment, and role must meet the work placement and The Gordon’s suitability criteria. Work place activities are undertaken at the completion of all the theory components of the course, and submitted and graded assessments deem the student competent in the completed units. If you are not working within the community services sector but believe you have the skill set to undertake the Part-Time blended course, or your organisation, employment, and role are unsuitable to undertake the mandatory workplace activities, further discussion is required.

Possible career outcomes

  • Case worker/manager
  • Community services worker
  • Domestic and family violence worker
  • Family support worker
  • Family services coordinator
  • Program coordinator.

Applications & attendance

Applications for this course are not currently open.

Please contact customer service on 1300 769 279 during business hours to discuss upcoming intake dates.

Intake Applications Attendance Classes  
2025 July
Geelong City Campus
Open: 1 Apr 2025
Close: 1 Jul 2025
Blended Part Time 1 evening per week 6-9pm
2025 July
Geelong City Campus
Open: 1 Apr 2025
Close: 1 Jul 2025
Class Day Full Time Mon, Wed & Thurs 9 am-3:30 pm
2025 Full Year
Open: 1 Aug 2024
Close: 15 Dec 2025
Workplace Part Time

Class times are indicative and may change before the course starts. Students may need to complete some self-paced learning and assessments outside class, varying by course and skill level, or may be required to attend classes both on campus and online.

Follow the link for more information on attendance mode definitions and offer timing.

An application doesn't guarantee a place in the course.

Many courses have limited spots and may fill quickly, so apply early and ensure your application is fully completed, as only successful applicants will receive offers, issued as soon as possible. If numbers are low, intakes or courses may be cancelled.

Additional attendance information

The course is offered in two study modes:

  • Full-time The course is delivered on a fulltime basis, students are timetabled to attend three (3) days per week of face to face class sessions over 15 months, and supported by our e-learning platform. There is also structured self-directed learning of 8-10 hours per week, at a time that suits you.
  • Part-time Blended Is designed for those working in the community services sector and wanting to up-skill, and/or move to a management position. There is a significant component of self-directed learning to allow flexibility of study around work, which consists of structured Before Session work of approximately 6hrs per week, and self-directed learning approx. 8-10hrs.per week.

Virtual classes are delivered online 1 x 3hr session per week; supported by our e-learning platform.  In addition, there is 1-2 x on campus training & assessment workshop days per Term. The Face to Face on campus workshop(s) will incorporate practical training and assessment sessions

Entrance requirements

  • Applicants must be 18 years and over at the time of course commencement.
  • Applicants are expected to have literacy and numeracy skills at Year 11 or Year 12 or Australian Core Skills Framework Level 3.
  • You must reside in Victoria to access Victorian Government Subsidised Fees and any incentive such as Free TAFE. Full fees apply to all non-Victorian residents.

Work placement requirements

Applicants will need to be prepared to obtain the following to undertake the mandatory work placement:  

  • Current Working with Children Check (WWCC) $130 or free for Volunteer 
  • Current National Police Check $87 or $30 of Volunteer 
  • Student Placement NDIS Check $131
  • Any additional evidence your work placement provider requires 

Personal Learning Requirements

There are personal learning requirements for each qualification at The Gordon. These are essential personal capabilities and skills required to successfully complete the course and be ready to work in the industry.

Please review the requirements here and consider any challenges you may have in meeting them. When applying for your course, please let us know what support you may need.

Pre-training review

Each student must complete a pre-training review as part of their application. The outcome of your pre-training review assists our teachers and trainers to better understand your capabilities prior to training and enables you to be matched to the right program. Your literacy and numeracy skills will be evaluated and you may be required to undertake a separate assessment. Follow this link for more information about literacy and numeracy skills.

In order to prepare for your LLN, you may wish to attempt some practise tests in which you will find similar questions (with solutions too). These practice tests are not VSL approved but may be similar in question type and level of difficulty to what may be asked in the VSL approved LLN. Click here for practice tests. Please note, the VSL approved LLN cannot be resat within 3 months of undertaking it.

Units & assessments

Core Units Code Hours
Analyse impacts of sociological factors on people in community work and services CHCDEV005 100
Assess co-existing needs CHCCCS004 80
Develop and implement service programs CHCCCS007 100
Facilitate and review case management CHCCSM013 75
Facilitate workplace debriefing and support processes CHCMGT005 120
Maintain work health and safety HLTWHS003 40
Manage legal and ethical compliance CHCLEG003 80
Promote Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander cultural safety CHCDIV002 25
Recognise and respond appropriately to domestic and family violence CHCDFV001 50
Recognise and respond to crisis situations CHCCCS019 45
Reflect on and improve own professional practice CHCPRP003 120
Work with diverse people CHCDIV001 40
Elective Units Code Hours
Develop and maintain networks and collaborative partnerships CHCPRP001 80
Develop workplace communication strategies CHCCOM003 100
Facilitate the interests and rights of clients CHCADV001 100
Implement community development strategies CHCCDE027 70
Implement trauma informed care CHCMHS013 80
Plan and conduct group activities CHCGRP002 70
Research and apply evidence to practice CHCPOL003 65
Work with people experiencing or at risk of homelessness CHCSOH013 85

Assessment is based on:

  • Questioning 
  • Observations and practical demonstrations
  • Portfolio (work samples)                  
  • Product (reports, projects, role plays etc)                      
  • Workplace evidence         


This course is eligible for Free TAFE!

Eligible Victorian students who elect to use their Free TAFE opportunity will not incur any tuition fees. Material and resources fees still apply. Follow the link for further information and to check the eligibility criteria.

Fees Rate Unit Indicative Course Hours Indicative Tuition Indicative Gov Total
Standard Tuition AUD $7.96 per hour 1525 AUD $12,139.00 AUD $9,978.00
Full Fee Tuition AUD $10.25 per hour 1525 AUD $15,631.00
Add the costs below to your relevant tuition fee
Resources AUD $400.00 Charged at enrolment
Administrative AUD $350.00 Charged at enrolment
Education Levy AUD $228.75 Charged at enrolment

All fees and charges are correct at time of publication but may change without notice. The student tuition fees are indicative only. Additional fees may apply. Where GST is applicable to any courses or materials, the fee displayed is inclusive of the GST.

Which fee will I pay?

Your fees will be charged according to your eligibility for government funding. For more information, visit our Fees & Payments pages.

Fee help

Payment plans may be available for eligible students who need assistance to manage their fee payments.

If you are eligible for a VSL, you may be able to access a payment plan for any non-tuition costs and tuition over the VSL Course Cap.

VET Student Loans (VSL)

VET Student Loans are available for eligible students for tuition fees ONLY up to the VSL Course Cap.

VET Student Loan (VSL) Course Cap


Further study options

  • Bachelor of Arts (Psychology) at Deakin University
  • Bachelor of Marketing (Psychology) at Deakin University
  • Bachelor of Human Resource Management (Psychology) at Deakin University
  • Bachelor of Criminology at Deakin University
  • Bachelor of International Studies at Deakin University
  • Bachelor of Commerce at Deakin University
  • Bachelor of Exercise and Sport Science at Deakin University
  • Bachelor of Nutrition Science at Deakin University

Many Gordon courses offer pathways to higher qualifications within The Gordon and in some cases, to university degrees. Your Gordon course may provide credit points which could reduce further study time. Follow the link to find more information about pathways, or contact Customer Service.