The Gordon’s Executive Leadership in the Twenty-first Century program is a game-changer that will deliver value to the Wyndham community.
“It was wonderful to launch our Executive Leadership in the Twenty-first Century pilot program at the recent Wyndham Business Awards briefing”, shared The Gordon’s Executive Director of Commercial Business, Jana Perera.
The Gordon’s pilot program will be available free to Wyndham executives looking to build key leadership capabilities.
“Leadership competencies are changing rapidly and the past is not the future. Challenges and opportunities, never seen before, abound along with the need for business success in existing environments.
“The gaps in leadership capability severely hamstrung the delivery of many organisations strategic objectives, with many struggling through the Covid-19 related challenges, which diluted their results”, continued Ms Perera.
The Gordon has undertaken extensive consultation with industry and community groups and all sectors declared a clear need for greater leadership capability within their organisation.
“This six-month immersive program has been developed for executives to build key leadership capability against this background, with the key focus of enablement to thrive. It aims to empower and enable our emerging leaders to take themselves, their team, their organisation and their communities strongly into the future”, stated Ms Perera.
The program will be delivered by facilitators who have extensive experience in various sectors, as executives and consultants working closely with education experts. Delivery will encompass face-to-face learning, virtual seminars and peer collaboration forums along with personalised executive coaching. There is a clear focus on measurement and ROI in the program, which will immerse participants in implementing key strategies within their organisation for greater results during and post program.
“Our focus is action-centred learning so that participants can hit the ground running in implementing key, necessary strategies as individuals and leaders.
“With businesses citing a need to be more agile and responsive to industry and community needs to raise workforce capability, we have invested in this program to give our partners in Wyndham strong support in achieving their goals”, explained Ms Perera.
The program focuses on realising leadership potential and raising the capability of key senior leaders to in turn impact and influence all around them. Consequently, the program will support participants to become:
Stronger as individuals, building core skills to increase influence and impact, while being well-balanced and able to deal with ambiguity effectively
Stronger as leaders of teams, fostering greater collaboration, joint outcomes, diversity and innovation through building environments that will sustain great performance
Stronger as strategic leaders with focus on not just developing strategy, but also being able to execute on that strategy on multiple fronts, developing outsight, developing true customer centricity and growth/innovation mindsets within their teams and organisations
Stronger as industry leaders contributing to the community, developing all levels in their organisations to consider and act on the social imperative.
Expressions of Interest for the Executive Leadership in the Twenty-first Century program are currently open here for those wanting to participate in the FREE pilot program.
Key Program Dates:
Information session: Wednesday 13 April
Applications close: Wednesday 20 April
Course commences: Tuesday 2 May
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