
ICT30120 VETDSS - Certificate III in Information Technology


2 Years
½ Day/Week


East Geelong






Full qualification

Entry requirements

  • Attending a secondary school
  • Literacy and numeracy level equivalent to the successful completion of Year 9
  • Review the personal learning requirements essential to this course and discuss with your school VET Coordinator before you apply.

You will learn

  • Develop design thinking skills and team work
  • Securely manage sensitive information in the workplace
  • Learn programming techniques for various applications
  • Evaluate cloud computing solutions and services
  • Skills and knowledge in system administration, equipment maintenance, and network configuration

Course outcomes

Upon successful completion of this program you will receive:

  • Recognition of up to two VCE VET units at Units 1 and 2 level, and a VCE VET Units 3 and 4 sequence
  • ATAR contribution: if you undertake scored assessment, the study score can contribute directly to the ATAR, either as one of your best four studies (the primary four) or as a fifth or sixth study increment
  • Certificate III in Information Technology qualification

Dress code and course materials

  • Clothing suitable for program activities - school uniform

Assessment is based on

  • Hands-on projects
  • Practical demonstrations
  • Portfolios
  • Knowledge questions and case studies

Further study options

**offered as a Traineeship only

           = Guaranteed Gordon pathway course

Applications & attendance

Applications for this course are currently closed and will re-open early August

Please express your interest in this course with your school VET Coordinator.

Unfortunately we cannot always guarantee you will secure a place in your selected course. We recommend you apply early.


Year 1 Core Units Code Hours
Apply introductory programming techniques ICTPRG302 40
Develop and extend critical and creative thinking skills BSBCRT301 40
Securely manage personally identifiable information and workplace information BSBXCS303 40
Work in a team BSBXTW301 40
Year 1 Elective Units Code Hours
Evaluate characteristics of cloud computing solutions and services ICTCLD301 40
Run standard diagnostic tests ICTSAS308 20
Use computer operating systems and hardware ICTICT213 60
Year 2 Core Units Code Hours
Identify IP, ethics and privacy policies in ICT environments ICTICT313 50
Provide ICT advice to clients ICTSAS305 40
Year 2 Elective Units Code Hours
Install, configure and secure a small office or home office network ICTSAS310 50
Maintain and repair ICT equipment and software ICTSAS309 20
Provide basic system administration ICTSAS312 20

Please note that the electives listed are those delivered by the Gordon but you may not be required to complete all of these to successfully complete this qualification. In order to clarify what is required to complete this qualification, please check