Your first week starting a new course is an exciting time! There are a few things that you can do to set you up for success and help make it the best time possible.
Make the most of orientation
Orientation activities and information help you to get to know more about what to expect when studying and how The Gordon can support you. They can also be a great way to meet other students who are starting at the same time as you.
To do
✔ Check your emails from us for information about face-to-face and online orientation activities that will be available for you when you start your course. We will also email you Student Connection, your student newsletter which will update you on any activities happening throughout the year.
✔ Read and use the checklists in the Welcome guide.
✔ International Students: Attend the compulsory International Student Orientation the week before classes start. You will receive an invitation to attend this. At this event, you will learn important information about your student visa, your rights and responsibilities in Australia, Gordon support and services, and health and safety. Before you attend, you should also take some time to find out more about the International Student Support and advice available to you.
✔ Find out what events and workshops are happening on What's on
Reset your password
Once you have started your course, you should reset your password. You will need your username (format studentnumber@gordontafe.edu.au) and your new password to access systems including Gordon Online, Office 365, Blue (survey software).
To do
Set up WIFI
As a Gordon student, you can receive free internet access on campus, once you have connected to our WiFi network called eduroam.
Information about Gordon WiFi and other IT services and support can be found
To do
✔ Explore IT essentials in the Student Portal for more information about Wi-Fi and other IT services
✔ Connect to our WiFi network when you first come to campus for free internet access
Use your Term Planner
Using planners is a helpful way to manage your time, study more effectively, increase your productivity and reduce stress when you have multiple commitments.
You may receive a Term Planner in class, otherwise you can pick one up from the library or print one out online. The Term Planner will give a good overview of what is coming up for you in the term. It is good to include holidays, special events, assignments and assessments.
To do
✔ Fill out your Term Planner with study, work and social activities to help manage your time
Take a Library Tour
The Gordon Library (online and on campus) is essential throughout your studies. You can access
- tailored resource guides for your course
- support with research skills. referencing. using technology
- on campus welcoming spaces to study, eat and relax where you can use computers with course-related software as well as print and photocopy facilities
To help you get familiar with what the Library has to offer, pop in to either the East Geelong or City campus and ask to join a tour
To do
✔ Visit the library and ask to join a Library Tour
✔ Find out how you can borrow if you are a Werribee student
Meet others
Your first few weeks are a great time to get to know some of the other people you will be studying with. Having peers that you can share the experience with can make your time as a student so much more rewarding.
To do
✔ Introduce yourself to people in your course, perhaps you could arrange to study together in the library or meet in the cafeteria for lunch.
Complete the Academic Integrity module
Whilst studying at The Gordon you are expected to maintain academic integrity at all times. That means:
- conducting yourself ethically and honestly;
- giving acknowledgement for other’s work; and,
- complete your own original work.
Complete the short Academic Integrity module in the Learning Lounge in Gordon Online to learn how to prevent allegations of academic misconduct and protect your professional reputation.
To do
✔ Complete the Academic Integrity module in the Learning Lounge.
Ask for help
No doubt you have a few questions in your first week. That’s completely normal! If you do have a question, please ask your teacher, Customer Service or other staff. We are all here to help you succeed.
To do
✔ Bookmark Help and facilities us for quick access to where to find help including Customer Service, IT essentials and 24 hour emergency support.
Next: Get connected (your first month)