In your first month, there are some key things you can do to make your student experience as rewarding as possible and to help you develop skills that lead to success in your studies and future career. Learn more below.
Build your study skills
The Student Success Hub in Gordon Online is a space where you can develop the skills needed to study during your time at the Gordon. Each section contains tips and tricks, strategies and opportunities to improve your learning skills.
Inside the Student Success Hub, you can find the Learning Lounge, which offers short self-paced activities to help build your language, literacy, numeracy and digital skills. You can access the Study Success Hub (and the Learning Lounge) at anytime.
The Learning Support team are also available to provide support, tools and tips that will help you in your course.
Read Student Connection, your student news
The Student Connection, your student newsletter is emailed to you generally about once a month. It contains details about important news and events coming up. Sometimes there are even chances to win prizes.
To do
✔ Check your email for the latest edition of Student Connection.
Plan your future career
It is never too early to start planning for your future. Free, confidential appointments are available you would like to build you employability skills or would like advice about careers, pathways or course options
To do
✔ Book in for a free careers counselling appointment.
Check you have paid your fees
Have you paid your fees? In your first month it is good to double check to see that you are up to date with payments and are aware of any upcoming due dates. If you need help paying your fees or would like assistance with budgeting, saving, managing taxes or debt there are services and tools that you may find useful.
To do
✔ Check your fees statement in eCentral.
✔ Explore Scholarships and Financial Assistance to find out about scholarships currently open and explore the other financial assistance options and tools.
Give us feedback
Your experience matters and we value all feedback at any time. As a student, your voice of experience is essential in helping to shape what we do in the future.
To do
✔ Check Student Voice in the Student Portal to find out how to give feedback or get involved.
Make the most of the services available to you
In your first month of study, it is not uncommon to feel a little overwhelmed. We encourage you to make the most of services available to you during this time as well We have services to support your mental, physical and emotional well-being and learning throughout your studies to ensure your experience at The Gordon is positive.
To do
✔ Book a free, confidential appointment with a Counsellor to discuss any personal issues affecting your life as a student.
✔ First Peoples students: drop into the Kitjarra Centre at City Campus for a yarn and to use the kitchen and study facilities.
✔ International Students: Contact the International Office if you are unsure where to get help.
✔ Books a one on one appointment with Learning Support.
Next: What's on (Student events and activities)